In the past couple seasons, I have become more aware of product placement in the show. One popular brand featured is Travelocity. An online article (read here) talks about how The Amazing Race has the top integration product recall, meaning the people remember the brands they see advertised on the show. This season Ford is a major sponsor. In many episodes when the teams drive a car to the destinations, the car is a new Ford model. On tonight's episode, not only did the teams drive a 2012 Ford Focus, but they also used the Focus' active park system to parallel park at an auto museum where they searched for their next clue in a 1916 Ford Model T. Talk about a lot of advertising. Often in reality shows, the characters are provoked to say things that will match with the image created for each contestant. Although the shows are not completely scripted, they also are not natural. I have always loved The Amazing Race because it seems more real than most shows. However, on this week's episode I was a little disappointed with all the Ford placement. When the teams read their clue, each team emphasized that they would be using the active park feature on the Focus. After parking, several teams exclaimed "Go Ford" or "I gotta get me a Ford Focus". I am sure the active park feature is neat, but I also think the cameramen prompted more excited reactions from the contestants. Other viewers are noticing the same things as me. The website even has a page dedicated to the show.(
Now I am left wondering what other parts of the race aren't as real as I thought. I like to think that most of what I see on the screen is real, but after tonight's episode I think I will examine each week more carefully for real vs. not real. What are your favorite reality shows? How real do you think they are?